Ho Chi Minh mausoleum body – It is real or fake?

Ho Chi Minh's body has been in perfect condition since 1969 when he passed away. Many visitors come to Hanoi and want to see his body by eye, wondering if it's real or not. Let's find out in this article. 


1. How important of Ho Chi Minh

As you Ho Chi Minh was found of Viet Minh (later Vietnam Communism Party). He spent all his life to server national and people. Local people love him very much and call his very familiar name "Bác Hồ - Uncle Ho."

Many visitors do not know before he passes away. Ho Chi Minh requires that my body be cremated, and his ashes are divided into three regions in Northern, Central, and Southern of Vietnam, wishing Vietnam will be united one day.

However, to honor his outstanding dedication to the country and the love of all Vietnamese for him, the Politburo decided to preserve his body so he could see the country reunited and the next generations can visit him (especially Southern people and international visitors).

Vietnam and China also had mausoleum for President Mao. It's also supported by Soviet Union's "Lenin Lab" to preserve founding leaders.

1.1 Story before Uncle Ho passes away

In May 1967, after his 77th birthday, President Ho Chi Minh's health showed signs of deterioration. The Politburo held an extraordinary meeting chaired by First Secretary of the Party Central Committee Le Duan.

The conference decided to continue to try its best to take care of Uncle Ho's health. Also, prepare to preserve the body for a long time (after he passes away). The conference also agreed that it must ensure absolute keep secrecy. Otherwise, the people would worry, and Uncle would criticize and disagree with the implementation.


ho chi minh mausoleum buiding 

Ho Chi Minh mausoleum building 

At the same time, several good medical staff must be selected and sent to the Soviet Union to study the science of preserving corpses. The Politburo agreed to assign the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense to take on this particular task.

According to the original plan, making construction drawings and designing the construction organization was intended to last 12 months from a dry season of 1972 and finish in dry season 1973. However, in 1972, the US imperialists bombed the North, so the construction was postponed. The plan restarts on September 2nd, 1973, and opens on August 29th, 1975. And Ho Chi Minh body move from Đá Chông (Sơn Tây) Hanoi to mausoleum. (About 50km from the city center)

ho chi minh mausoleum open 

Ho Chi Minh mausoleum opens 

From 1969 to 1975, the body of President Ho Chi Minh moved a total of 6 times due to many other reasons and conditions. It needs to be kept very secret all the time because American troops also try to find the body. It would have been the best bargaining tool to force Vietnamese soldiers to release American POWs if they had captured it. The Vietnamese knew this and kept Ho's body hidden in an underground chamber deep in the jungle.

After 1975 the peace returned to Vietnam. The mausoleum opens and attracts a lot of visitors come to visit the mausoleum and see his body.

2. Ho Chi Minh mausoleum body is real or fake?

This is an exciting question. Many international would not believe it is real. But with us, we have been there many times. We still think it is the real one. If you still do not think so, please visit and experience it by yourself. You will find the answer.

ho chi minh mausoleum body

Ho Chi Minh mausoleum body 


2.1. Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in Hanoi opening time

Location: 25 Hung Vuong, Ba Dinh, Hanoi
Opening days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday (Closed on Monday & Friday)
Opening hours: Seasonal:
April 1st to October 31st: 7.30 a.m – 10.30 a.m (Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays: 7.30 a.m – 11.00 a.m)
November 1st to March 31st of next year: 8.00 a.m – 11.00 a.m
Entrance fee: Free
Phone: 024 3845 5128
Every year mausoleum will close for two months, from September to November, for maintenance.

2.2. Ho Chi Minh mausoleum dress code

Tank tops, mini-skirts, sleeveless shirts are not allowed. In case, forget to wear long clothes, visitors can buy a scarf at the main gate and use it while inside the mausoleum. The price is a bit higher than normal.

Do not bring a knight, lighter, weapon. Water and liquids are not allowed through the security checkpoint.
Cameras, mobile phones, and big luggage can't bring inside. Visitors can leave outside near guards and get it back after finish visit the insider mausoleum.

No shooting, video recording in restricted areas, especially inside the mausoleum
Do not put your hands in your pockets. Take off the hat and sunglasses when entering the mausoleum.
Must keep quiet while visiting the insider mausoleum.

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Author Hoan Nguyen

He has over 10 years of experience working in the tourism sector and operator. He has traveled to many places in Vietnam and around the world.

(photo zingnews. vn)


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