All You Need To Know About The Unique Vietnamese Banh Xeo

Banh xeo has become a famous dish in Vietnamese cuisine. With delicious and attractive flavor, banh xeo has been going into the hearts of tourists from all over the world with unforgettable impressions.
I bet you may think the banh xeo pancake is difficult to make with many ingredients, however, even first-time travelers to Hanoi can be successful if they know the right recipe. Let’s explore everything about Vietnamese banh xeo now!

1. What Is Banh Xeo Pancake?

Banh xeo is a dish spread across all regions of Vietnam, often appearing in the South Central and Southern provinces. This pancake Vietnamese in each region will be different in color, size, type of filling, and dipping sauce. The common point is that they are made from diluted rice flour, then thinly coated on a pan and deep fried.

The name "banh xeo" comes from the sound when it is poured. When the person makes a dough rack into the hot oil pan, the sizzling sound is heard and lasts until the cake is almost cooked. 

2. How Many Types Does The Banh Xeo Pancake Have?

In general, there will be two types of this pancake commonly seen: Central banh xeo pancakes and Western banh xeo pancakes.

  • Central pancake: It is thick and compact in size. The most common filling of this type of pancake is seafood such as shrimp, squid, etc. 

  • Western pancake: It is thinner and larger than pancakes in other regions. Western pancakes have a yellow crust, fragrant with fatty coconut milk. The filling includes shrimp meat, and green beans, in some areas, there is also duck meat and coconut tofu.

3. What Is The Vietnamese Banh Xeo Recipe?

Visitors always pop up the question about how to make a Vietnamese banh xeo after enjoying it. It’s quite easy to be successful on the first try!

What Is The Vietnamese Banh Xeo Recipe?
What Is The Vietnamese Banh Xeo Recipe?


Ingredients required:

  • 200g pancake flour

  • 50ml coconut milk

  • 300g shrimp

  • 300g bacon

  • 300g mushrooms

  • 2 onions

  • 1 carrot

  • Lettuce, collard greens, herbs, bean sprouts, green onions

  • Salt, fish sauce, turmeric powder, vinegar

Then, follow the Vietnamese banh xeo recipe below:

  • Step 1: Make sure all ingredients are clean: green vegetables, sliced ​​cucumber, chopped shrimp, marinated with necessary spices such as pepper, fish sauce, monosodium glutamate, …

  • Step 2: Slowly pour other ingredients including pure rice flour, coconut milk, fried flour, turmeric powder, and filtered water in a suitable ratio, then stir the mixture until all are mixed together. 

  • Step 3: Pour a moderate amount of cooking oil on a non-stick pan (for the cake to be more delicious, choose pure peanut oil) and wait for the oil to boil. Next, use the flour mixture evenly, wait for it to cook evenly and add the prepared seafood, bean sprouts, and beef fillings. 

  • Step 4: Dissolve 3 tablespoons of sugar with ½ cup fish sauce, ½ cup warm water, and 1 tablespoon lemon juice to create a dipping sauce.

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4. Conclusion

The harmonious combination of rice, vegetables, meats, and seafood encapsulates the flavor of Vietnam, promising to bring an unforgettable delicious taste. With the way to make Vietnamese banh xeo, you can manually prepare it with eye-catching colors for your family and friends to enjoy at the weekend!

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